Natural Law

June 15 2020

The law must be set down.

Today I picked the first handful of ripe wild strawberries of the season. I tried to pick one that was mostly red, but it was a light red. I could tell that I would not be able to pull it off without pulling off more of the plant than just the fruit. I felt an instance of self-pity. Then a thought came to me, Do not get offended by nature. It is just law. There are facts about the natural world, and the consequences of actions are directly dependent upon those facts. If the laws of nature are clarified then they can be used to live in a way which is successful, in the name of the ultimate thriving of all of nature.

The following laws ought to be self-evident.

1. Nature seeks balance.

2. You get what you are.

3. No two lifeforms are identical to each other (because no two individual forms of physical matter can occupy the the same space at the same time).

4. All lifeforms are always making their own decisions. Simultaneously, all lifeforms both influence and are affected by collective life (i.e. “The All”).

5. Life seeks continuity.

6. When all lifeforms accept what is due to them, order will be maintained.

7. All lifeforms are here to self-realize (self-realization is unavoidable) and thereby are factors in one another's self-realization.

Then there are both physical laws and metaphysical laws. The metaphysical laws are roughly covered by all of the above laws. The remaining physical laws are specific details about physical reality, such as the ease with which a ripe fruit is picked compared to an unripe fruit. Reality is quite numerous in physical laws and all manners of science have been dedicated to their study. I do not wish to just gloss over the physical laws like so because to do so would discount the possibility of their being categorized in a neat and significant manner. However, I do not think I am going to do that work here and now. The plan is to focus my attention on the basic natural laws here. Likewise, I might more carefully go over and think about metaphysics another time to ensure that the above in fact do cover all of it (again, I think they do). Overall the physical laws basically preside over two things: movement and the form of existence. Movement is essential to all of life. As for form of existence, the question asked of life is not whether life shall be but rather in what form life shall be. Physical laws determine under what conditions it is possible for life to continue in a certain form. If the body of an animal loses blood beyond a certain threshold, for example, then life will no longer continue in the form of that individual animal's body.

1. Nature seeks balance. This actually might be the most complicated law to interpret both in full and with perfect accuracy. What exactly is being held in balance-- all of the other laws? Why does it seem that when men become less masculine women become less feminine? More straightforward is the fact that when there are too many members of a a species present in a geographical area relative to the amount of resources available there, a die-off of the population occurs. There is no “free lunch” in life. Whenever an exogenous intervention is set upon the body, the body produces some kind of equal and opposite reaction. All medication produces negative side effects. A cast allows the bones to heal by staying still, and this also weakens the muscles. All negative emotions likewise hurt the body. The Economic (i.e. materialistic) and the Spiritual worldviews cannot co-exist without getting in each other's way. A being is always either in glory or decaying: there is no middle ground. There may be some deep kind of spiritual law which determines what exactly is balanced in nature.

2. You get what you are. In “New Age” or similar schools of thought this is normally worded as, “You attract what you are an energetic match for.” I emphasize what one is due to the primacy of self-realization. The significance of this law is that it is not merely what you do that matters but how you do it. The energy within and intention behind each action factors into all of the consequences of the action. This is arguably more of a metaphysical law than a physical one (though let us not get bogged down there).

3. No two lifeforms are identical to each other. Subatomic particles might be identical to each other: how else could there be pure substances? However, I feel it is possible that at certain levels there are not even two particles which are 100% identical to each other. I think the path the science of physics has taken steadily suggests that possibility more and more. The reason no two lifeforms are completely identical to each other is that they would have to have all of the exact same experiences and in the exact same order, down to the most microscopic detail. This is not possible because no two particles (nor any other kind of lifeform) can take up the exact same space in reality, and therefore there are no two particles which have formed all of their connections to all other lifeforms in the exact same way. Note that this is also a natural law: that is, No two individual forms of physical matter can occupy the the same space at the same time. This is the literal version of, Every form of life occupies its own unique place in reality.

4. All lifeforms are always making their own decisions. Simultaneously, all lifeforms both influence and are affected by collective life (i.e. “The All”). Part one of this law is elaborated on in, “All lifeforms are here to self-realize” (#7). As for part two, The All is the void. For clarity I will call it “the All” for now. The All is a singularity, appearing to be a black hole yet it contains everything. All lifeforms are constantly communicating with each other directly and indirectly via the All. The All is fed the information of every single thing in existence and also feeds back to each thing information about all of the other things. The All is the source of intuition: when one taps into the All then one acts by a useful and generative timing. All lifeforms have an affect upon one another: that is the essential law of the ecosystem. A more common way of stating this is, “Everything is connected.” The connections between all individual things form “the energy matrix,” which is synonymous with the All.

5. Life seeks continuity. The law of the conservation of energy is covered by this law (and, by extension, the first law of thermodynamics), i.e. matter cannot be created nor destroyed-- instead it only changes form. The same is true of energy. Life always carries on somehow, even in the face of constant death. This law is largely covered by what was said about physical laws-- that is, “the question asked of life is not whether it shall be but rather in what form it shall be”. The answer is determined by the interaction of individual choices (including the soul's choice regarding self-realization), circumstances, and physical laws.

6. When all lifeforms accept what is due to them, order will be maintained. This is a result of, “All lifeforms both influence and are affected by collective life.” It is also tied to, “Nature seeks balance.” Of course, all the laws of nature naturally are inextricably tied to one another, such that when the “shoelace” of life is pulled all of the laws are present wherever the lace may move. This law can be strongly felt as much as it is seen, at least by the keen observer seeking to be in line with life's perfection. Whenever any kind of fog of brain sets in, one is probably trying to take something which is not due. Wracking one's brain likewise does not help one to align with this law. Self-scrutiny is a useless activity.

This law is reassuring because if followed it guarantees that the highest possibility of the moment, relative to all other things and all other moments (and therefore the big picture of life), is attained.

This law is why in my personal code two of the guidelines are: do not become jaded and do not think yourself entitled. The alternative is to see the beauty and innocence of a kind of honest meagerness. (I set down the personal code in part two of “The Spiritual War.”)

Overall my experience so far has shown that intuition rather than logic brings me into line with this law. This makes sense since intuition is informed by the All (see #4). That being said, the consequences of overreaching (i.e. trying to take too much) are usually visible since the attempt tends to backfire or otherwise result in a manner undesired. A simple example is gathering too much food at once and then failing to eat it all before it spoils. It is usually some kind of “reasonable thinking” such as “I ought to take more food for the purpose of security” that is found behind overreaching, rather than genuine and open intuition.

7. All lifeforms are here to self-realize (self-realization is unavoidable) and thereby are factors in one another's self-realization. This is the the most essential law. Physical reality exists so that God and life, which are synonymous with one another, may experience themselves. A realm of pure being is absent of experience: instead it is purely conceptual, absolute, and unchanging. The purpose of physical reality is for life to be experienced in a nearly infinite variety of forms, and for each of those forms to make choices regarding how they will be in every moment of their lives.

At least for a human tapped into the void, the following is true. If one's intent is always set upon self-realization then life will always find a way to take one there. If “failure” occurs, for instance, then the lesson at hand will become apparent. This is why timing should not be worried for: time and the ultimate need of life (i.e. self-realization) adapt to each other, at least when one is genuine in the purpose.

Nature seeks balance. You get what you are. No two lifeforms are identical to each other because no two individual forms of physical matter can occupy the the same space at the same time. This means that every form of life occupies its own unique place in reality. All lifeforms are always making their own decisions. Simultaneously, all lifeforms both influence and are affected by collective life (i.e. “The All,” also known as the void, the energy matrix, and in physical form, the ecosystem). Life seeks continuity. When all lifeforms accept what is due to them, order will be maintained. All lifeforms are here to self-realize (self-realization is unavoidable) and thereby are factors in one another's self-realization.

Nature's laws operate regardless of mankind's stance towards them and also regardless of whether mankind even exists. The ultimate implication of these laws is that life is coherent and meaningful, and not chaotic nor random. I have stated elsewhere that Intelligence is the process of life relating to everything, including itself. The natural laws produce the experience of the renewal of the perfection of life. The question is whether mankind gets to experience that renewal. When all Natural Laws are known, recognized, and consciously used, the result is both the reality and the experience of natural order.