Cavitation Water Heater

The cavitation water heater utilizes the implosion of air bubbles in water (cavitation) as an energy source for heating water and producing steam.

From The Way

pg. 667-670:

In 2016, after researching similar machinery dedicated to a different purpose, I watched a YouTube video on cavitation bubbles made by a Mantis Shrimp. The Mantis shrimp has a fascinating ability amongst many others in his repertoire, to use one of his claws for stunning his prey. Within the ensemble of different species in the Mantis shrimp family, one of these tiny shrimp has a spring loaded appendage it uses to hunt and/or protect itself from predators. The shrimp cocks back his claw into an internal locking mechanism, then releases it when ready to form a cavitation bubble. The cavitation bubble is directed at the prey/enemy, and the amount of power released when this occurs is said to be similar to a .22 caliber bullet being fired. On the video I was watching at the time, the frame speed of the camera was slowed down to get a better look at the events taking place that brought on this cavitation bubble. A significant shockwave was formed, the bubble appeared, then a spark of light was apparent inside the bubble. Having a decent grasp on photons, "modern science," and physics, the appearance of light fascinated me. Creating light in that manner is impossible from a "learned scientist's" modern thermodynamics perspective, but there it was, in the flesh... literally.

My first reaction to understanding the abilities inherent to cavitation was astonishment. I was fascinated by the phenomenon, and reinvigorated to pursue a mechanical device that could harness the immense power contained in that tiny shrimp's "weapon." Fortunately for my purposes of harnessing that energy, someone had already built a device that could utilize the power in a cavitation bubble effectively. Jim Griggs from Rome, Georgia, developed a mechanism that could create numerous cavitation bubbles in water. The idea was quite simple. Griggs took a wide cylinder and drilled holes along the external surfaces, then built a rim around his cylindrical device and encapsulated the entire system to make it water tight. When hooked up to an electric motor, the cylinder with holes machined into the surface spins at a high revolution, causing the space between the machined holes and the surface of the encasement to shift between high and low pressure. This constant shift between high and low pressure forms a vacuum, and if done at a high enough speed, the vacuum will elevate its intensity to the point of cavitation bubbles forming. Jim Griggs discovered this phenomenon in a related field, but refined the technology enough that he could start his own business from the idea. He called his machine a hydrosonic pump.

Jim Griggs' journey began in the 1980s. After conceptualizing the idea, several weekends of his were dedicated to working on it, making modifications to his design, and general investigative work into the phenomenon. Several of his friends were involved in this project, but a peculiar aspect of this phenomenon plagued their thoughts... The cavitation water heater Jim Griggs had made and was studying, was breaking the "laws" of physics. When measuring the effects of this device, Jim was confused due to the fact that more energy was measured in steam production, than the amount of electrical energy being fed to it by the motor. The terminology for this phenomenon is "overunity," and according to the "laws" of physics, this is an impossibility. The "law" states: "In a natural thermodynamic process, the sum of the entropies of the interacting thermodynamic systems increases. Equivalently, perpetual motion machines of the second kind (machines that spontaneously convert thermal energy into mechanical work) are impossible." In simpler terminology, you cannot get more energy out of a device than you put into it (the conservation of energy)... according to the "law."

Regardless of the authoritative dialect contained in those "laws," the data on the cavitation water heater (hydrosonic pump) was breaking that specific law. Thankfully, Jim Griggs did not halt his progress due to the "law" telling him that what he was doing was impossible. Jim's new invention was installed in several locations that ran the equipment for months on end. The purpose of them in most cases was to make hot water for home and industrial uses. One of the installations took place in a local fire department. The fire fighters were not academically trained scientists for the most part, but there were a couple of engineers in the group. They too measured the output of the cavitation water heater against the input of electrical energy used in the motor attached to the heater, and their measurements put the device in the overunity category as well. A lot of buzz in the scientific community began to swirl while this invention was hitting the scene, so a group of "trained scientists" sent a man to investigate the claim of overunity in person.

In the video I watched on YouTube, a man named Tom Droege who worked in the Department of Physics, Fermilab, was the "scientist" that was sent to investigate. Tom's ego was front and center as soon as he was introduced in the video. Before reaching the company he was supposed to be investigating, he eluded to his conclusions of the overunity claim before he had a chance to see it at all. Instead of investigating the claimed phenomenon, Tom scribbled down notes based on the measuring devices used. Passing over the claims that were made by several of the customers of Jim Griggs' company, Tom Droege concluded that the cavitation water heater/hydrosonic pump could not be replicated. A significant amount of rhetoric followed Tom's conclusions in the video. The usual, "I'm better than you because I went to college and studied 'science,'" type of statements were made, but he admitted that he could neither confirm or deny the claims of overunity. My assumption is that he was sent to discredit, not to investigate, and by that standard, he did his "job." Regardless of Tom Droege's posturing, the cavitation water heater/hydrosonic pump worked, and continues to work today. Unfortunately, Jim Griggs and his partners took the Satanic profiteering philosophical approach to presenting his machine to the world. Upon doing some independent research of their company, it seems as though Jim Griggs sold out to an Iranian conglomerate, and now claims that there are "more efficient" ways of heating water. Just in case you missed the irony of that claim... overunity means that a cavitation water heater produces over 100% efficiency. If there were indeed, "more efficient ways of producing steam" than a cavitation water heater produces, everyone on the planet would be self sustainable right now.

E-mails from Brian

From #18

#32 Overall

September 5 2020 7:57 AM

All of that is based on an ever running system with very little maintenance that is highly efficient and purely mechanical. This is the type of system that should be used for each community I was referring to. Slowly but surely people will figure out the different systems that produce this stored energy and how to utilize it. When wind is way down, use the stored up ethanol, etc etc. Implementing these systems will clean the environment and account for all of the human intrusion, but are very difficult to justify doing en masse. They make sense on a community level, but not a city level. Those are the methods that should be looked into for farms especially, right now. Considering what is happening with the Oglala and San Jaoquin reservoirs, and how much food those areas produce, those farmers better save their own asses now. This isn't the type of water production that will be huge and river producing at first, but it could get there in those areas at certain times. For a domicile, I would siphon water off of the moats and streams into an underground facility where I would have my scaled up Nitinol engine running a cavitation water heater for steam. I'd use the steam energy on a variation of Robert Green's steam engine design for various purposes. For me mainly machining like this fine gentleman... David Richards is his name and he has resored to perfect working condition, a 100% steam powered machine shop. This again would be a good use for biomass conversions from left over waste material from ethanol production, or when your trees are past productive stages. I would like to produce the bulk of this steam energy from a cavitation system powered by a Nitinol engine, though. The strands would need to be long, and woven together because of the fragility, but that is based on early data. There is an alloy possibility I've been considering trying, but the foundry process is complex for Nitinol. Every atom of titanium (Nitinol is 50% Titanium and 50% Nickel) that interacts with carbon or oxygen robs it from the mixture, and Nitinol has delicate tolerances. This means the process needs to be done in a vacuum chamber, with electricity as the melting agent. Induction melting, arc melting, etc. Once the process is mastered, which it already has, the maintenance concerns become a breeze to deal with, plus it gives other opportunities for complex alloys that are air oxidation sensitive. That's the kind of stuff I was building when all of this Christ situation happened. I'm a pretty busy guy, even when I'm forced to sit on my ass. I was just about to machine the cavitation water heater element, and my dog's leg started hurting him. It was walking him gingerly and building a ramp for the truck I owned when I had conceptualized the Holy Grail. I have a picture taken of it that I showed my now ex wife when I finished the ramp, just before we went out to dinner that Friday. Anyways, this was what I was doing when I became the Christ. I also have a wind generator upgrade that I was building the molds for. I was going to construct them of recycled milk jug tops, melted into wind generator sectional pieces. Horizontal not vertical. I really don't want to try to explain it like this and confuse you. It's better left to a whiteboard kind of conversation.

So, in essence, when I say farming water, I mean it from many different functions, and that is before I even talk about hydrogen production. That too should be engineered into the Nitinol motor. It should be reiterated, even though you've probably read this before, I am not talking about a small strand YouTube style Nitinol engine here. If that is the most economical production way, and my alloy idea doesn't work, the strands will be upwards of 40 feet long, with a few hundred fibers per strand. The torque would be slower but much more energy dense. I would gear up the speed through a simple gear that would be connected to the cavitation water heater to run at optimum speed. It too would be much larger than the YouTube version. If you were to get in the way of one of these strands flexing back unabated by the motor resistance itself, it would probably cut you in half. We're talking some serious torque. Very powerful. On that note, one of the steam engines could be dedicated to powering an HHO or just Hydrogen generator. I also have several upgrades to what I just said, but that kind of requires a whiteboard. I'd need to draw this out to properly explain it. The cavitation water heater and steam produced from it distill your water, by the way. Which is one of the few methods of removing radiation. There are also properties of cavitation that cleanse water in various ways. Although I would need to research this in real time for an accurate measurement of the total dissolved solids before and after cavitation, that is research that I don't think I'll have time for. Maybe...

It should be of note that when it comes to humidity being a problem indoors, and rejuvenating water, Johann Grander. I am not familiar with the rejuvenating water properties, but the humidity machines that function in a completely passive way sound fascinating to me. I'd like to study that further, but again, that is one of those things I just couldn't get to. Nonetheless, his studies are valid, and should be utilized moving forward in the home, and environment. Viktor Schauberger's work is also of note here. Many of these things are just simply not taught to anyone in any form of academia. Much less cavitation systems and resonance. One form of cavitation that should be used on a much larger scale but for smaller communities are hydraulic ram pumps for water storage and elevated micro hydro plants. A simple float valve rigged to fill and release similar to how a toilet flushes and you have a cavitation water pump powered micro hydro plant, off grid and autonomous. Wasteful, but only in drought areas. Up north, I'm sure there are all kinds of sources for hydraulic ram pumps or just plain old micro hydro. Again, the mechanical energy from the micro hydro plant could be directly connected to a cavitation water heater, or geared up/down for the optimal speed. I've seen most of this guy's videos, and have used them to explain to others what I was planning in Oregon for my property there. This particular video shows how much torque and power can be achieved. If the draw from the generator was instead put into a cavitation water heater sequence, the power could be amplified greatly and several steam engines could run easily, along with siphoning heat for the domicile, all while cleaning water for your aquaponic farm and refeeding vapor to your collection system on top of the pyramid. Just to reiterate, cavitation water heaters, when made large enough to suffice, are over unity/Divine. They should be added into any system that draws power, but it must be done at the individual level, and used for mechanical energy over electrical energy. THAT is the whole point here. Yes, use electricity on a closed system small scale way, but DO NOT build a system that relies on it. Might be a break in the ability to use it coming up shortly. I can neither confirm nor deny...


#33 Overall

September 5 2020 8:49AM

Forgot to add this video to the section above... Micro hydro plant that could be used to power a cavitation water heater. Very inexpensive and reliable.

From #74

#215 Overall?

January 27 2021 5:24AM

The real kicker is in doing research on these motors using steam to power them; not just air pressure. A more recent development (circa 2018) was using the geothermal placement strategy, powering the system with a nitinol engine, connected to a cavitation water heater... and powering several of the MDI engines with the steam. That entire system is also cradle to cradle, except for the manufacture of the nitinol wire itself, which I was extremely close to completing. It requires a vacuum system due to the alloy properties inherent when nickel is exposed to oxygen at those temperatures. I could do it, but it would take a bit of experience. At the end of that system, I would also implement radiolysis for the remainder of steam exiting the MDI motors for hydrogen conversion. Again, I could do it, but I didn't have direct experience. I do have a working knowledge of everything necessary to complete the loop, though. Truly carbon neutral, off grid, sustainable indefinitely... Divine. Sad, though. No monetary profit involved, thus, nobody in hell cares.


February 26 2021 6:07PM

The MDI engine is the transferred version of the power generated from the cavitation water heater (steam). The cavitation water heater gets its energy from the nitinol engine (centrifugal force/inertia) the nitinol engine gets its energy from manipulating heat. The easiest way to manipulate that heat is by utilizing a geothermal perspective. In other words, taking the system out of the atmospheric fluctuations. Within a cavernous structure, at least 8ft down in most latitudes, the ambient air temperature remains a constant 60degrees farenheit. Your cooler water would remain sufficient. To start the process of warming the water above 72degrees farenheit, one could use solar, or some other Satanic energy. Once the cavitation water heater is running, the excess heat could maintain the reaction. 

If... you wanted to utilize the wind (solar energy), or direct solar energy to power an MDI engine, you could do that, but the implements are intermittent and dependent on clouds, wind, weather etc. To store energy for powering the MDI engine (air pressure), all you would need is a storage system, or air pressure tank. Then you would power a condenser directly with a wind or solar powered generator, and store the energy in a tank. The tank's pressure would power the MDI engine. You could also power the condenser with hydro power, which would be less intermittent. The idea is to get the least intermittent system from start to finish. That system is a nitinol engine, powering a cavitation water heater, that powers MDI engines. Not only is that the most efficient form of energy transference, but the engines and nitinol itself are the least restrictive on recycling the components. Solar panels break down and are difficult to reproduce. Wind generators have the same stigma. Not impossible, just wasteful. More foundry work and machining over their lifespan than that of nitinol (as long as the cavernous structure is utilized). 

If one were to try to make a nitinol system work while dealing with the atmospheric fluctuations of the surface of Earth, the nitinol would stress and break down sooner, which would reduce the energy source viability over the lifespan. Cavitation water heaters reduce drag on the components. Powering a cavitation water heater with a nitinol engine reduces the stress on the nitinol itself. It allows for a much less stressful energy transference. A wind generator powering a condenser directly is a stressful transference. More opportunities to break down. All of these factors played into my equation when deciphering the absolute most optimum performance "cradle to cradle," while maintaining the least intermittent form of function. There's millions of scenarios that could work; wind generator tied to a cavitation water heater, hydro to air tank pressure storage, solar electric to cavitation water heater, etc etc etc. But the intermittent issue is always present, as well as the foundry and machining processes added to the energy consumption equation. Cradle to cradle is often never discussed in depth with any energy platform. THAT... is exactly why the oil economy persists, and why people are dumb enough to assume a gallon of gasoline only costs 2 bucks. When the entire system is seen cradle to cradle, almost every energy system falls short of expectations. A nitinol engine (while utilizing geothermal components), powering a cavitation water heater, and utilizing MDI engines for consumption... is the most efficient form of energy usage THAT IS AVAILABLE RIGHT NOW, while also being completely removed from AND non intrusive to the environment as a whole. Cradle to cradle INCLUDES the environment from which the device operates. Wind generators, hydro, solar, etc, all intrude on the environment in some way during AND after their lifespan. Nitinol, and the components of cavitation water heaters, and the MDI engines themselves intrude on the environment, but only during conception (mining). After that, recycling is almost 100% efficient, both in materials and energy implementations. 

Hope this helps...



March 15 2021 5:28AM

I'm well versed in maple syrup production as a matter of fact. The issue with maple syrup is the conversion ratio. Maple (black maple specifically) has a conversion ratio of 40:1, meaning it takes 40 gallons of sap to produce 1 gallon of syrup (less than 5% water). This is where the energy usage becomes an issue. There is no changing this ratio... that's just how it is. Whether scrap wood chips, crude oil, or electricity is used, the intrinsic value of sugar in sap from maple trees remains a constant. One could also tap birch, walnut, etc trees, but the ratio subtracts there following. Birch, I believe (but am not certain) has a ratio of 50:1... but I'll delve into this later more. Reverse osmosis utilizes a membrane fairly similar in scope to using Zeolite to extract water from ethanol at higher alcohol percentages. Water is filtered out because the molecules are smaller than ethanol, or in the farmer's case, syrup/sap. Under pressure the matrix is forced into the membrane/Zeolite, and anything smaller than 3 angstroms is allowed passage; water in other words. The remaining fluids are generally speaking pure ethanol, or in the farmer's case, syrup. Yes indeed, a cavitation water heater could be utilized to make every stage of the process more efficient... but I'll get to that later.

The second most detrimental obstacle is sugar loss to production. When the material is put to an evaporative environment, no matter what the energy source is, there is a loss of sugars in the vapor. This is why almost every small level producer should always keep production outside of their domicile. Otherwise, the walls will become caked in sugar solution. This adds many other problems. Sticky walls are no fun, and are a bitch to clean. If the area is not cleaned properly, insects and rodents will hear a dinner bell and stampede to the area. That's probably the most predominant reason why production is done outside and with a boiler fueled by fire. Now, when considering using the vapors to produce thrust for an MDI engine, consider the former. How long would the engine function with syrup soluble vapor coating the internal mechanized spaces? Yes, it would function for a while, but for how long? Probably wouldn't hurt the engine, but you would definitely be on the hook for cleaning it daily, and you'd more than likely be forced to use hot water to do it, meaning more energy applied to heat the water. The vapors would be better suited to preheat the tank water in a cavitation water heater by plumbing lines directly into the cavitation chamber. Then, you could energize the MDI engine with those vapors. From what I understand of the cavitation chamber, the reaction purifies the contents in the chamber itself, so the vapor exiting a cavitation water heater is essentially pure water steam. Jim Griggs (spelling?) Sold his patent rights to an Iranian outfit, and their claim for wanting it (which is bullshit, but accurately propagandized) was to aide in chemical conversions, or rather, to purify. That is one of the most intriguing applications of the cavitation water heater that requires more research; purification. I'm not sure how the interaction between cavitation and impurities works entirely, but I do know that cavitation water heaters purify water with zero trace of the impurities after steam conversion. Intriguing; almost magical in inception, but nonetheless, occurring. 

Secondarily to that point of technology, you must choose (economically speaking) which usage of the sap is best suited for your application before proceeding further. Making consumable syrup requires a steady and lower regulated temperature that must be maintained. This adds a wrinkle to the equation. If you were planning on making syrup/sugar, specifically for fuel and not spirits, in the form of ethanol, regulating temperature becomes less of a concern. You could in theory just boil the absolute fuck out of the sap, as hot as possible, and as quickly as possible, and scorching would not be a concern. However, if your plan is to make consumable syrup for use on pancakes, making mead/beer, or distilling the mead/beer into spirits for human consumption, the temperature regulation is a primary concern. Scorched dry malted extract, honey, sugar, and syrups can leave a very nasty floral and textural note to the mead/beer and spirits. This is something I take precautions to adamantly while making my beer. I go way above and beyond the "call of duty" to ensure the flavor profile has zero scorch. It's a pain in the ass, especially when making very large batches in a huge pot, but I even take it off the burner completely to eliminate the possibility of grates scorching, and I add ingredients very slowly while stirring vigorously... just so you know. Consumables are very different than fuel, though. If all you're after is making fuel, and that's it, who cares what it tastes like, ya know? 

Thirdly, the issue is climate. Sap is best suited for a climate where temperatures are below freezing at night, and above during the day... and preferably in close proximity to a water source; river, creek, lake, what have you. That's why there's a very specific season for making syrup, and your latitude stands out. The region you live in is famous for maple syrup production for that reason alone. Now, when factoring in the climate necessity for full scale production of this medium, powering a cavitation water heater becomes an issue. The easiest way out of this scenario is to bury the power plant deep enough below the frost line that the mean temperature stays around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. When accumulating steam from the boiler from syrup production, the lines will have to pass through this colder region en route to the cavitation water heater, and/or MDI engine... essentially distilling the vapors before the heat/pressure can be converted to energy. However... years ago (now) I worked this problem out. Using a cap over the syrup boiler, on the "chimney" section of the vapor accumulator, you would start by installing a one way valve that would allow vapor to exit, but not return. Then you would route that vapor line directly into the heating chamber itself that's boiling the sap/syrup, then pipe that directly to the cavitation water heater underground. It would be a boost to subtract from the cold air temperatures. Some issues with this setup is the efficiency of the one way valve -you wouldn't want the water vapor to return to the boiler- and the fact that you would be pushing heat/steam in a downward fashion. Both issues require research, just throwing out POSSIBLE solutions to the dilemma. That said, IF, and I stress IF... you were to have a viable seal directed to a cavitation water heater from your sap boiler, the issue of vapor displacement (sticky walls and bugs) is not a problem anymore. IN THEORY (!!!) you could run this setup indoors, meaning you could construct the "chimney set up" from the sap boiler upward to a cavitation water heater built above the boiler. It's very dangerous for many reasons to build any kind of boiler indoors... I'm just saying if everything was correctly engineered, you could mitigate the risk tremendously, while utilizing excess energy to your advantage. That's how my brain works, but very few have the ability to properly think through abhorrent possibilities and design failsafes into the apparatus. Don't be that guy, heh. 

Anyways, climate is an issue. Not just for energy production using this particular feedstock, but also the very short season with which to complete production of the sap itself. Considering all of the issues, you would have to do the arithmetic on whether going to all of that trouble is worth it or not to you. To me personally, I'd rather use it to make pancakes taste scrumptious, then use the excess to make mead each year, but that's just me. I've discussed this with a bee keeper before, and even though he had never considered the possibility, he didn't outright reject my idea of supplementing honey in his hives with syrup. Again, research would be required, but my theory is sound on two fronts. Honey production comes to a standstill, or very slowly accumulates in the very seasons when syrup production is spiking. Syrup supplementation while harvesting honey for your sugar needs has a much higher ratio for consumption, and honey requires a significantly less energy implementation to harvest; it's almost entirely manual labor as opposed to using a boiler. Secondarily, many bee keepers use a cane sugar solution to supplement their hives to maximize honey production and feed them during the winter. My assumption, and again, research is required here... is that supplemental maple, birch, walnut etc syrup would be much more beneficial to the Bees than cane sugar water. Additionally, but this should go without saying, the pollen from the trees themselves would be fueling honey production in the off-syrup months. Win-win-win-possible-win... but that's predicated on how much more beneficial supplemental syrup is than cane sugar water. If there's no real benefit, cane sugar water is more economical in scope than making syrup. I did consider all of this stuff years ago when I was designing my aquaponic flower garden for honey production. I too lived in a forest, but we had a lot of evergreens and birch, not too many maples. And our climate rarely got below freezing. Just saying, but I did try to figure in these complexities and learned a lot along the way.

Great job, though. Phenomenal really! Great job taking the initiative to expand your knowledge base on a great resource, especially for your region. Were you aiming for part time work, general expansion of knowledge, researching potential farming opportunities, or some combination therein? I read an article last year about a massive syrup farm in Vermont. It's something like 240,000 acres of maple trees. All of the trees use the plastic spires, and they're all connected to a piping system that funnels the sap directly to the factory. That's a lot of piping! It was said that the farm is the largest in the world, and the owners were aiming to be the number one producer, basically knocking down Canadian syrup a peg or two in the process. A fuckin' leaf! Loool. From what I understand, the plastic spires are more hydrophobic, but that's really all the benefit they have over metal. What did the farmer say about it? I was thinking during writing this... maybe that's a reasonable project for your CNC class? Just spitballing. Anyway, great stuff! 

There's been a wrinkle here, but nothing too dramatic. My dad is feeling a lot better, and is using a breathing machine daily with medication. On Friday he went to Chili's for lunch. The bartender on duty was Jackie from the "How do you life" chapter of my book. They struck up a conversation, and apparently I made quite an impression that night we met. She still has the dollar bill I wrote on, in fact she has it stuck on her refrigerator. So, she was asking about me... a lot I guess. My dad tried to get me to go with him there to see her, but initially I refused. I haven't really done anything or gone anywhere since I arrived here and went full mission economics as per your donations. 34th street and occasional food is about it. The second time he asked me, which was yesterday, he brought up the dollar bill thing and said she really wants to see me, so I reluctantly accepted. We went up there yesterday afternoon, but the place was packed. 45 minute wait, so I said fuck it, and we left. He stuck around for a minute to say hi to her, and apparently she was asking about me again. So now we're going to try going back Tuesday morning. I don't know what she wants to talk to me about specifically, but this should be interesting to say the least. I'm going to direct her to your website. Chapters 2 and 5 are still absent from my pastebin page. Besides, at this point, your stuff is like a library now. Far superior to my page, and you have the book there too. We'll see what happens with that. She might say thank you, or could throw beer mugs at my dad the next time he goes in there, lol. I did hear from my dad's neighbor Scott that she's an engineer. I'm not surprised, but it is a bit disconcerting that she has to tend bar to make ends meet. Anyways, same shit, different toilet here as per the norm, except that. Chugging along. Talk to you later. 


From #108

March 21 2021 11:59PM

Awesome! Everything is easier when you partake in the process. Same with machining. You begin to see everything in life differently. Knowing what it takes to make objects, or what it takes to make the tools that make objects. It always filters back to a lathe and/or a mill of some kind. That was the main reason why I wanted you to get involved with that process as soon as possible. Now, when you learn other things like distilling, farming, grail making, etc, you will have the ability to see beyond the object to the base construction that makes the object possible. All that remains there following is mining the materials to make the objects themselves and tools. After that... "anything" really is possible. A lot of dolts reiterate that term, but very few can actually produce from that cliche'd quip. You are already "different" or even "better" than them...

The spent grains and extracts that get used for animal feed and/or fertilizer are defined as DDGS (dried distiller grains and solubles). There's a huge market for it. So much so that it's traded on the stock market. David Blume has a patent that directly contradicts Monsanto's fertilisation strategy that uses DDGS specifically. The interesting aspect about the feed being so beneficial to animal stocks is all you're really removing from the plant matter is sugar. The nutrients remain, which is why it's so beneficial to the fertilization process. I've always thought that was very interesting, especially since learning about regenerative grazing strategies. When implementing cellulosic ethanol production into the equation, imagine how beneficial those DDGS-esque nutrient rich food stuffs would be to beef cattle. And... how methane-less the waste from those animals would be. Methane is the byproduct from a sugar rich diet. All one would have to do is remove the fuel from the food stuffs before consumption, then the nutrients uptake significantly faster, and the would be methane can be distilled for fuel usage (preferably to heat the water in a nitinol cavitation water heater system)... and everyone wins/forms an equilibrium. It's great seeing someone partake in the process I explained in chapter 7 of my book. You're really starting to see the world the way it's supposed to be seen/the way I did for so long with such contempt coming at me from every other "shithead" alive. That's why my prophecy was The Matrix. Before I even knew what I was looking at, or more importantly, had the agreed upon jargon for each process solidified, I saw all of these systems existing in harmony... then I refined them for better "profit" margins. I'm happy to see someone following in that same path... while being so young. 

From #119

April 4 2021 12:21AM

Yes, vertical mills are my favorite machine. If one had a rotary table, they're as versatile as a lathe, and require a lot less pre adjustment. Those newly learned axis' you're describing are essential for making cavitation water heaters efficiently and rapidly. Spin 90, tilt 90, then turn down and drill your holes with a rotary table. When done in that fashion as opposed to a rotary table set up vertically, or a lathe setup, the size can be very large, and if the mill has a dual x-axis screw capability (spindle and table), you only have to setup and zero in once. Then the entire part can be machined in one shot. I'm assuming the mill you're working on has an x-axis adjustable table, AND spindle. If not, what I just said might seem confusing. If it's a bench top mill, it almost certainly doesn't have an adjustable table (x-axis anyway). My Smithy 3 in 1 did not have a tilt axis to the spindle, although the head did spin. I contemplated setting up a rotary table with an outstretched setup for draping over the edge for making large cavitation water heaters, but the angle still would have been ineffective. I was stuck setting up my rotary table to drill with the lathe chuck, and incrementally raising the stock by using 1, 2, 3 blocks and shims. I still think about how close I was to making all of this happen... fuck.

From #141

May 2 2021 6:23PM

Hydrogen, ethanol (a carbon neutral source for internal combustion), and air pressure sources from solar heat, wind, and hydro can complete that type of a project, but the most sustainable and most efficient usage of Satanic energy (coupled with Divine energy) is nitinol powered cavitation water heaters. The steam produced can power any number of applications, but for these types of projects, powering Di Pietro engines is the most efficient method conceivable at this time. Until that type of system is feasible to the budget available however, air pressure is the most economical way. Completely Satanic, yes, but also sustainable and non impactful to the environment. And... until that type of system is feasible to the budget available, you should not be afraid of using the available means to create that type of system, or the objects that can be produced using the degenerative Satanic systems. 


June 17 2021 12:02AM

Decentralization, in all of the ways I've proposed, is the most efficient path to transcendence. Creating energy for that process is no different. I've spoken a lot about nitinol, and there's a good reason for that. What nitinol did was change the paradigm of energy consumption. It was the first material used by humanity where heat was transformed directly into mechanical energy. No intermediaries, just heat, then movement. One could argue that Sterling engines do this, but they do not. The intermediary is air pressure in that case. Heat>air pressure>movement. Nitinol is just heat>movement. This ideal might seem insignificant, but it's not. The elimination of intermediaries raises efficiency dramatically. Same is the case with decentralization. The basic premise of the flaws inherent in societal structures now can be reduced to that simple clause: everything we do is extremely inefficient. Trying to provide enough energy to cancel the inherent inefficiency to the system itself is downright insane. With that being the base motive of everyone alive trying to combat these problems, a paradigm shift to transforming heat directly to mechanical energy isn't even on the radar. It's a foriegn concept. Mainly because there's really not much profit to gain from such a system, at least not from a material perspective of this solar system. Take nitinol engines connected to cavitation water heaters for example. They make no sense from a centralized approach. Maybe a few hundred people, but nothing in comparison to a modern city, or even town for that matter. As humanity (if you're lucky) inches closer towards a type 1 civilization, this will be a regular occurrence. Smaller, more efficient, extremely less profitable on a large scale technologies will experience rapid succession. Large scale NYC power able nuclear power plants will become useless. Why? Because nobody will want to be relegated to HAVE TO be in a position to use it. When I say that I'm not against nuclear power, I'm talking on a drastically smaller scale, and in no way, shape, or form connected to a city sized grid. ALL ENERGY, no matter how it's generated, needs to be used at the source of consumption. Decentralization is the only way to make that a reality. Believe it or not, that is how every type 1 and above civilization functions. Millions upon millions of self sufficient communities all working towards the same goal. When that happens, there's never a fear or concern about any kind of "energy crisis." It all starts with decentralization. Humanity on Earth is doing the exact opposite, and what's worse is the elitist core controlling society currently, has created a common law structure that outlaws it. Hell... once again coming to the forefront.

From #208

June 18 2021 2:37AM

I don't remember saying nuclear power being centralized was a good strategy, but there's always exceptions to rules. It really always comes down to how the scenario was reached. The general rule of thumb is that centralization breeds a selfish disposition, especially for those at the top of the scheme. Power generation on a smaller scale would be beneficial to the whole of the community to be made somewhat centralized. A nitinol engine with a cavitation water heater the size I'd like to make should be able to power many families. But even so, that doesn't negate the person making the power from their own sustenance workload. So yes, in some ways centralization is a good idea, but at the scale humanity tries to imply this ideal, it's very difficult to regulate equality, and thusly an equilibrium within a substantial sized city. In this currently attempted model of centralization, animosity builds up from so many having to work so much harder than the few at the top.

From #256

August 11 2021 1:27AM

"But Brian, what happens when it's cloudy in a drought on a calm/no wind day, the oil has all been burned and the local bikers drank all the liquor (ethanol)?" This is where the bulk of energy production on a singular off grid system is important. When all other sources of creating mechanical rotational force are slim or completely exhausted, Nitinol is the failsafe. Nitinol motors are a direct heat to mechanical force conversion. Using this mechanical force in a rotational manner gives the ability to have a sustainable energy source that is devoid of an intermittent parameter. From this rotational force, air pumps, water pumps, compression of all types of things can all use that force in the same way an electric motor creates mechanical rotational force. Since this source of energy is steady and can be engineered to have a specific RPM and torque spectrum, making steam with this force is more applicable than air pressure. Thankfully, Di Pietro engines can run on air, steam and water pressure. That said, the most efficient method for making steam from rotational energy is a cavitation water. A cavitation water heater being powered by a nitinol engine, that would then feed many Di Pietro engines in sequence, could create a neverending source of power for all applications. Even running a cavitation water heater from an electric motor is more efficient than any other water heating source commercially available currently. From this system, the waste heat inherent to heating the water from cavitation can also be used in all the ways described by the waste heat from waste oil paragraph above. The greatest part about utilizing a nitinol engine is the low heat required to actuate the nitinol into producing mechanical force. Less than 100 degrees farenheit can be the upper limit, and as cool as 60 degrees farenheit can be the lower limit that reverts nitinol to a malleable state. This means that geothermal temperatures found at very shallow depths can be the primary heating and cooling source for the nitinol engine to function efficiently. In other words, to make the heat that is necessary for actuation of a nitinol engine, one needs to simply bury the system roughly 8' underground. Sounds complicated, but it's not. It's hundreds of times less complex than anything electrical. Plus, it's not intermittent, and is many fold more reliable than electricity... whether made from a hydrocarbon source, or a "renewable" source of fuel. 

From #273

September 5 2021 1:22PM

2) I'm unaware of the resonant frequency of methane in gaseous form. Water is fairly universal from my understanding. 13.56 Mhz, which is also the frequency (at high voltage) to illuminate incandescent lightbulbs wire free. At least that's one of the variables found while conducting those experiments. I'm also unaware if that frequency will work for steam, or ice. Steam is different than water vapor, although that's a common mistake. Water vapor is susceptible to 13.56 Mhz, which is why I wanted to use it in conjunction with the cavitation water heater as I said in my book, but again, that's research I never got to do. Methane hydrogen extraction through radiolysis is completely void of any research that I'm aware of. It would be a very tricky process, but it's doable. I just have no real data to help instruct you on any of it. Methane hydrate hydrogen extraction, same thing. I'm assuming at this point it's kind of a lost cause, but I'm also kind of cynical about the possibility of humanity even caring at all at this point. Anyways, it's a good idea, but if you're planning on pursuing that research, I suggest starting with natural gas.

From #349

November 10 2021 1:49AM

Cavitation bubbles created by piercing the ethereal plane with sharp, acute force, as is the case with animals like the mantis and bullet shrimps, or the mechanics of the cavitation water heater, can be probed, but only passively. What needs to happen is to have a probe ready to record, then create a cavitation bubble on the probe itself in some way. This has been done with bullet shrimp. What the data tells us is that the temperature recorded is hotter than the surface of the sun, and the light created has no identifiable source of fuel, from a conventional thermodynamics perspective. The bubble is not splitting water molecules, and suddenly burning the hydrogen to create the light. We know that the light exists, and we can measure the heat radiating from the bubble, but cannot explain why, other than to say it happens when certain parameters are met. This is a serious problem for the "law" of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is based upon the simplistic approach to saying that the conservation of energy implies that you cannot create energy from nothing, or rather, you cannot get out more energy than you put in. Bullet shrimps are about an inch long. I saw one up close in Texas. The "law" of thermodynamics would suggest that there's no conceivable way to create the force of a. 22 caliber bullet from something so small, besides what occurs during fission or fusion. One must go full atomic nuclear to mimic that extreme level of performance. What's more interesting is that the shrimp can do this repeatedly, with nothing more than the food he eats as fuel. That is the definition of creating something from nothing, or, over unity. Like the sonoluminescence bubble, we know it exists. We can replicate the process to produce the same effect, as is the case with the cavitation water heater, but there's no definitive standard of measurement for the parameters (the ethereal plane) for why it exists. Scientists that study these kinds of anomalies have a different approach to why they do what they do. They're trying to determine why something happens, then document it using agreed upon terminology, then maintain their research. Someone like me though, does not concern himself with the "why." At least I didn't while delving into this field a few years ago. It exists, and that's good enough for me. My only concern was how to maximize the potential, and improve prior attempts to maximize the potential. I wasn't trying to document a research finding. I was trying to create heat and light in the most efficient method possible. There were lots of things that came before my research into cavitation, but by far and away, cavitation is the absolute best of the best. The reasons for why I did what I did are very different from why a "scientist" does what they do. Entirely different motivation standard. I want/wanted to build, while they want glory or entitlement from their discovery. What that led to, interestingly and surprisingly enough, was my realization. That's really why it was so surprising to me. I kind of received the glory from my research, but that was not what I was trying to achieve. Nevertheless, scientists would not (professionally COULD not) admit what I was able to admit from learning what I learned during my realization. The standardized version of Satanic energy and Divine energy platforms that was "explained to me" from the experience, is impossible from a scientific perspective... professionally speaking. In reality, to a scientist, everything in existence is Satanic energy, and based on perception of religious philosophy, Satanic energy applied to physical material is a connection they're unwilling to make. That's why it was essential for someone like me to lift this veil. Professional scientists are not prepared to make these kinds of connections. It's just that simple. 

All of that said... these are all moot points to the original claim made by your professor or friends; using a wave disc engine to actuate a cavitation water heater would be better than an electric motor. I've somewhat filled in the blanks behind that claim in the most thorough way I could, but I've said for quite some time now that in a system of my design, a cavitation water heater would be powered by a nitinol engine. Did you counteract that claim by telling them about a nitinol engine? Indeed, there's many ways to create the mechanical rotational force necessary for powering a cavitation water heater, and I've done an immense amount of research into all of them, but nitinol is by far and away the most efficient method of providing that force. Not only is the required heat to transfer energy extremely low compared to that of any type of combustion engine, which dramatically reduces fuel consumption, but when scaled up, the torque ratio is also dramatically increased. RPMs become less of a direct focus. A nitinol engine at scale could run at 1 RPM, but produce enough torque to gear ratio up to thousands of RPMs at the transfer case. That allows for a scenario where the nitinol engine itself could last decades with very minimal maintenance and upkeep. Efficiency is not just about the fuel processing, but also about the longevity of the engine/engines themselves. The length of time they're able to perform is often not implemented into efficiency equations, but this is me you're talking to, and I always factor in everything, cradle to cradle. So... my guess is that wave disc engines are an interesting approach to the same problem that's already been solved by other means. Neat.jpg... but remedial in conception. We're way past that, but shame on me for not filling in the other applicable information to you sooner, I guess. Useful? Maybe. Necessary? No. Interesting reading, though. Thank you for showing me that. I like reading about new ideas, and truth be told, I hadn't heard of that engine before you told me about it.

One of the more interesting aspects of the cavitation water heater is that the materials don't seem to matter. I haven't confirmed this claim myself, but apparently oxidization is inhibited from creating the cavitation within the chamber. Very unusual, but that's the claim. I can't remember where I first read that, but I did read it somewhere. Additionally, the water used in a cavitation water heater does not need to be clean. Apparently the cavitation bubbles annihilate foriegn material from the water itself, and all that's left is pure H2O steam. Again, very unusual, but that's the claim, and I've yet to hear anything to the contrary. One thing that indirectly confirms both of those claims is that the cavitation water heaters being made in the hydro sonic pump videos I've linked in the past seem to be machined from mild steel, not even stainless. So, the "inventor" built them out of extremely corrosive materials, which would suggest his claim is accurate, at least from our external perspective. Building one out of stainless should be a step up from those models, but keep in mind that the cavitation water heaters he was building were fairly large, and I'm not sure if scaling down is applicable. His rotors look to be about 18-24" in diameter. A chunk of stainless that size would be thousands of dollars, and I'm not so sure the school would be willing to just give you that. If they are, wow! But be careful trying to scale down the cavitation water heater engine, though. You might create heat, and maybe even steam, but you're after a lot of heat and steam, especially for powering one or several Di Pietro engines in sequence. Strongly consider scale before you get weeks into a complicated system that doesn't produce the effect you desire. It might be a better use of your time to build something like a wood gasifier, then use it for yourself at your home. That would not only be a very inexpensive build, but useful to you and your family immediately, especially considering all the plant material your region produces. Then you could even build an apparatus to power cavitation water heaters you build later, and if they don't work to your standards, you're not at a total loss.

This was the first video that came up when I searched "wood gasifier." We're both watching it for the first time, heh. It's a simple concept to understand, but even easier when seen. They're also very cheap to build because you could do the whole thing out of junkyard materials other than the generator. This is pure syngas, though. If you wanted to improve from that, biogas is next. Something to consider, though. I just don't want you to get disappointed in a complicated situation with the possibility of failure. A gasifier is neither complicated nor expensive, but will provide significant mechanical rotational force that can be applied to just about everything, and it's a carbon neutral process. You could transform that energy into air pressure, electricity, whatever... including the drive for a cavitation water heater if you so choose. Just trying to look out for your best interest given the current financial situation. 

I'll talk to you later. 



November 15 2021 4:13PM

You're probably right about the vaccine autocorrect. Sometimes I read back through what I've written to you and I'm like "wtf happened?"

It's very strange he's making that correlation. I was assuming he meant running the cavitation water heater with the wave disc engine. It's even stranger when you read the first part of his comment. "Cavitation doesn't exist in air" (or something like that. Is he implying the wave disc engine is submerged in water while running? My brain is full of fuck on this one. 

Great video, though. Great repurposing of the heat from the heater, too. Whenever I see things like this I get nostalgic about how close I was once upon a time. If I ever see a video of a nitinol engine powering a cavitation water heater I might cry, heh. I doubt anyone is building (at least currently) a scalable nitinol engine to make a cavitation water heater viable, but it might happen. Aren't the comments always a trip in those kinds of videos? "B-b-but why aren't we doing this now, maaan?" "Because everyone wasted their time trying to make money... and systems like this destroy money. Not make it!" Anyways, it's proof that there's an ever present err in the minds of everyone alive. They just don't know why. What's worse is when they see this type of technology, the majority try to formulate ways of profiteering from it, unironically creating the same ambiance for why these types of technologies are buried in the first place. Most people just don't seem to have the stomach to realize their own actions are what's causing the problem. Nonetheless, great video. Thank you for showing it to me. First time I've seen it. 



November 15 2021 5:18PM

Sort of... From what I can tell the shockwaves produced in the wave disc engine push the fins. Compression, air, ignition? It's basically all the same thing. I guess I read that comment wrong, though. Either way it's applicable, but not optimal. It might be optimal for combustible fuels, but I don't know enough about that engine to make a decision. All I think I know (heh) is that there seems to be no vacuum. That's an issue. I still don't see the correlation between the cavitation water heater and the wave disc engine... or any engine for that matter. It's a system that heats water from cavitation, and I know of nothing else that utilizes that type of structure/fuel for making heat.

I'm confused about a few things, and I think I'm confusing you by my confusion...

From #357

November 19 2021 2:53PM

The cavitation water heater timeline for me was unique. There was a lot going on during my discovery of it and my attention was being pulled in many directions. The information I got about it was sparse and often incomplete. First I'll start by saying that my goal was not necessarily to buy one, but more so look into licensing... as is also the case with the Di Pietro engine. Licensing agreements open up many different avenues of research and development. Obtaining one also allows for a much more fluid exchange of information between those who've already done research and those who want to further research. Generally speaking, if the contract stipulates fringe agreements like "no competition," exclusive rights, caps on manufacturing allotments, etc, the person granting the contract becomes handicapped. It's rare for a company bringing a product to market to also be the manufacturer. Usually the designer doesn't have the capital to design and implement manufacturing capabilities, so licensing agreements are common. Those contracts are held close by the two parties and everything becomes very legally oriented. I learned a fair bit about this process when I was looking into what to do with my injury settlement money. I very briefly considered starting a franchise. I'm sure you can see the difference between buying a whopper and opening your own Burger King. The method of research changes significantly. I can't remember all the different places I researched, nor how I found those links, but looking into the cavitation water heater always had a tone to it of licensing. I can't really recall a time since hearing about them where I just wanted to buy one. Almost everything I studied also had that same effect. Most notably was cellulosic ethanol enzyme production. My goal was to acquire the research itself, done by Novazymes. I wasn't necessarily interested in buying enzymes directly from them (although that was an option), but more so gaining the knowledge from their research. In that case, Novazymes was the "designer," and the US government was the potential manufacturer, at least their ability to distribute rights to "worthy" manufacturers as they saw fit. The fringe agreements put onto those licensing agreements were shitty. Novazymes had the ability to distribute the technology easily, but the government had them bound to legal parameters that made that ability very difficult for anyone producing less than 50,000 gallons a year. It really doesn't matter how superior or exceptional any technology is if it has these types of stipulations attached to it. When people say things like "if "it" was that special, everyone would be using it..." it means they aren't taking into consideration the legal binding agreements, and in a world where propaganda stimuli, well established crude oil profiteers, and the politicians that protect their continued dominance are overly abundant, massive amounts of technological advancements fall by the wayside. That was what happened to cellulosic ethanol in 2007, and king nigger/Obama (the liberal resident watchdog for big oil) squashed it immediately, along with lots of other things. However, the propaganda was so thick against conservatives, implying they were the "destroyers of the environment" that the de facto regime, "the liberals" were sold as quasi environmentalists, but the opposite is the actual truth. It's tricky to understand, but almost always the base intentions can be discerned from legal contracts and what they imply. 

I read about the bearings thing a long time ago. If I remember correctly there was a forum where people were discussing cavitation water heaters and someone brought that up. There was a lot of other research that got done that made it out, too, but the really useful stuff seems to be buried. Exact depths of holes, spacing between the stator and rotor, diameters for steam production opposed to other uses, specific materials used, outflow piping sizes, inflow regulation, and a bunch of other useful information. This ends up being the focus for tinkerers, and lots of time gets wasted on aspects that have already been researched prior. When I was designing my nitinol powered cavitation water heater, my goal was to eliminate as many of those factors as possible without actually buying a licensing agreement. During those searches which were sparse, and usually conducted during times of exhaustion where physical pain hampered my work in other areas, I stumbled upon something that explained one of the licensing agreements Griggs signed. It was an Iranian oil or chemical company that purchased the ability to produce and use his hydro sonic pump. Shortly there following, on his website, I read about how there were suddenly "more efficient" methods for producing steam. I also noticed several people parroting this claim everywhere I researched. No explanation for why this claim was made, nor what the "more efficient" method was, but it was there. After these claims were found I wrote him and his company off as sellouts, and accepted that whatever research was going to actually bear fruit would come from either my own research, or another tinkerer. Once someone is legally bound, they're compromised. It becomes very difficult to trust what they're saying. Their goals shift from producing something useful to protecting their revenue stream. Nitinol, cellulosic ethanol, conventional ethanol, cavitation water heaters, Di Pietro engines, and even syngas and biogas production all have these problems attached to them. All for different reasons and origins of the divergence from the original intentions, but everything useful gets buried completely, or surrounded by so much misinformation it becomes a nightmare dealing with the research itself. From what I understand of what happened, this Iranian company that gained rights to the hydro sonic pump, exclusively used it to mix and separate chemicals. That's about as far as I got, anyway. My assumption was that they were trying to use it as a way of refining crude oil more efficiently and with less chance of ignition, but that's just a guess. Only they, and Jim Griggs himself know exactly what they were doing. All I know is that once that contract was signed, Griggs basically went silent, and the ability of using his discovery for making steam and heating water ended. Before that, videos, claims, installations, etc were happening regularly... then, nothing, followed by no explanation. The similarities between my nitinol research, and cellulosic ethanol were too coincidental to accept as random. Those things happened for a reason, and one not need look further than the people/companies that stand to lose the most from their integration to understand WHY it happened. The goal is to bury everything that is a threat, so the powers that be, can remain as the powers that be. 

From #643

August 26 2022 2:48PM

Certain things would be running very quickly; some in excess of several thousand RPM (like the cavitation water heater making steam), but the actual nitinol thrust portion would be running slow and smooth. Everything beyond the nitinol thrust portion arbor/mandrel/shaft could then have gear trains tuned to whatever RPM is desired for whatever function you want. For my design, there would be 2 small water pumps; one for the hot water, one for cold, the induction plate for heating the hot water (and pre-warming the cavitation water heater water), and that's all the slave gearing systems required. All other thrust would be dedicated to the mechanical rotational force spinning the cavitation water heater... possibly several of them depending on how much thrust there is, and the limitations of the machine tools capable of making the cavitation water heater/s. All elements need to be compatible with the machine tools available, thus making it a true off grid system... cradle to cradle.

Just remember that the elevation of the tank, cavitation water heater/s, and water pumps running from direct drive off of the nitinol engine shaft, all need to remain on a relative to each other, flat plane, as to always maintain full of water, and free of air lock pockets. It's not difficult to understand, it just needs to be a design inclusion during the initial engineering phase.

From the main out put shaft, the energy remaining turns the cavitation water heater/s, and the steam powers Di Pietro engines, or air vane engines, or maybe even piston steam engines for fun and education. The one area that might also bring some confusion is the induction plate. Fairly simple, and I had already made this element for my own nitinol engine configuration in Cloverdale. If Kristin didn't scrap it or sell it, it's still sitting in my old shop collecting dust. You don't even really need a machine shop setup to make these. I made mine out of 1"x1" cylinder N52 (52%) neodymium magnets. These can be expensive, but they're the best of the best as far as magnets are concerned. Strong enough to break finger bones if they come together with your hand between them, and they're very brittle. If they come together violently, they shard apart and explode with a shower of sparks... don't ask how I learned that, heh. Very dangerous, but extremely powerful. What I did was cut a 1'x1'x1" thick plate of compressed recycled plastic into a 1' diameter circle. Then spaced the magnet holes at about 1/4" spacing as tightly clumped together as possible spread across the plate of plastic. I made it a friction fit. The magnets were slightly larger than 1", so I just used a 1" end mill, and drilled them all the same depth using a stopper on the drill press. It's crucial to get all the holes exactly the same depth. This is because the plate will be rotating at fairly high speed (depending on how hot you want it to get), and very tightly spaced, parallel to the copper plate that creates the induction. The plate should be relatively thick as it will be the actual heating element, and tank bottom supplying the hot water to the manifold. So, the copper tank/induction plate remains stationary, while the magnet plate spins. This will add some resistance, but there's a catch to that. Nitinol doesn't require scolding water to actuate. The closer the plate spacing, and the higher RPMs the magnets spin, the hotter the inductance becomes, subsequently, increasing resistance. To properly actuate nitinol, you really only need about 100 degrees farenheit, at least from what my research tells me. Additionally, the cavitation water heater water will be in a closed loop system, with the reservoir tank connected into the hot water lines going to the manifold. That will also help create heat for the nitinol engine. Although the induction plate will be required for heating water just prior to the pump and manifold, it will not need to be excessively close, nor spinning at a very high RPM rate. This will drastically reduce the drag and overall resistance of the induction heating element. Once operation begins, and the cavitation water heater is running full speed, the resistance from the induction plate will be essentially nonexistent, if not extremely negligible. There might be a scenario where once the engine is running full speed, the induction plate system can be disengaged completely. Again, research and experimentation is required to really tune the system to optimal performance.

Now, the induction plate system is my idea, and that idea came from my ability to machine everything from scratch. It's based on the philosophy that the entire system is fully integrated, and automated, mechanically, to run free and clear of babysitting it. There are other ways. For instance, to create hot water, a small fire under a tank (a rudimentary boiler) will achieve the same result of heating water, but you'll have to babysit the fire long enough at least until the cavitation water heater can heat, and maintain the main hot water reservoir entirely. That could take some time if the reservoir tank is very large. Once running at full speed, and the cavitation water heater is maintaining an equilibrium with the temperature of the reservoir, it will sustain itself and run automated. Until then, you'll be babysitting a small fire, and I have no idea how long that could take because I don't know the size of the reservoir. Point is, the induction plate system is not absolutely required, but if you want full automation mechanically, it kind of is. So yeah, a magnet integrated plate (mine was plastic, but you could make it out of anything nonferrous), spinning in close proximity to a copper plate, powered by the nitinol engine output shaft.

External Resources

Griggs Patent Apparatus for heating fluids. Inventor: Jim Griggs.

Videos Cavitation Heater Overunity
-This video has been changed to private. Apparently, this link does not work either:
I hope to find another link to this video. Griggs Hydrosonic Cavitation Pump Explained

Forum Thread – Discussion of building a cavitation water heater:
Art: “I've recently built a replication of Grigg's pump, I have to say.. I turned it out in maybe 3hrs on a small scale for proof of concept to see just how well it works. It sure does, only my haste came back to bite me in the ass, when I realized one of the big issues with this pump is sealing the pump shaft. I used a piece of 6061 aluminum for the rotor, pressed in a 5/16 steel shaft, used an old pair of rollerblade bearings, the housing is a piece of 2" chrome steel exhaust piping, with 3/8" thick end plates. I'll post up pics of it shortly. I have a larger unit in the works already which will have a 5.25" rotor inside a section of cast iron pipe.
When I spun up my test model, there's a certain rpm that the cavitation starts to really take off. I didn't do any actual measurements of temps, but with my fingers on the outside of the main casing (tube) it went from room temp to untouchable in a matter of maybe 15 to 20 seconds!! suprised the hell out of me.

Anyone have ideas on how to seal the shaft? Teflon? pressure rings? I'm all ears.”

“Hi raptor, nice work!
If you post some pics or cross section schematics it might be easier.
Without knowing your exact configuration at the bearing areas, rotational speeds, pressures and temps involved, I'll try some general input:
a. you can try O-rings around the shaft, use a spring and a washer to improve the seal. O-ring against the end plate, washer against the O-ring, one spring-end against the washer and other spring-end against the rotor. I/4" ID O-ring and 5/16" ID washer (they are usually oversized on the ID) and a 3/8 ID spring should do the job.

b. If you have access to any old hydraulic cylinders, they have some nice V-lip seals radialy spring loaded on the shafts and also on the pistons you might use if the dimensions match.

c. materials, would depend on speeds pressure and temps. I'd start with some Silicon O-rings from the local hardware store if you have access to one. Or try depending on Dia the washers used for the hot side water faucets etc.

d. high pressure sealed bearings would to the job too off the self, but they can be expensive, for proof of concept.

e. the easier and simplest way may be to have the shaft to end plates as a simple -slip fit- smooth/polish the surfaces and use option a. above.

Note, the second bearing area can be completely covered. so you'd only need to seal the drive side. (Like an end bell cap, pipe cap, over the free shaft side etc.)

I hope this helps”

“Hi !!!  I'm new here. You could use a seal from a car or big engine water pump. There are also pumps that use magnets on each side of the pump casing so there isn't a shaft to seal.”

Art: “Here's some info that I know off the top:
RPM's - approx 8K to 15K (smaller the unit, higher the rpm, larger the lower the rpm).
Temps - 250' F to 350' F
Pressures (water inlet pressure) - up to approx 75 lbs
Bearing Surfaces - On the end plates, on the outside faces, bearings will be recessed, flush with the surface. inner hole dia. would match rotor shaft size & have approx .001 - .003 clearance, easier to seal.”

Art : ”Jim Griggs was able to produce consistant numbers of 35% - 70% more energy (output as steam) than the drive motor was using. It's not so much the HP of the motor, but rather a motor that's capable of 5-15K RPM so that you can fine tune it for the best efficiency. “

“I just went down to Napa and ask for a seal that fit a 5/8 shaft. Outside was about a 1.33 in. A friend gave me a 6 foot length of stainless pipe. 3/16" thickness.  That is the tube. The rotor is alumium. I built a furnace and burner to smelt the rotor because of the price. (8"X12" round was 586.00) Couldn't afford that.  I did all of the machining myself.
 Looking forward to seeing your project also, and thanks for the compliment.”

“Hello idnick
This is what I thought Griggs meant, as well the yusmar seems to use the same principal called sonoluminescence.
In my bad picture, as the rotor turns a hole in the rotor approaches an inward "bump"(2) this compresses the fluid in the hole as designated by red dots, the hole then moves past the bump and decompresses as designated by blue dots(1). The magic seems to appear when the frequency of compression/decompression (RPM) is very high, that is why griggs used hundreds of holes, to lower the rotor RPM to managable levels.
The effect they say is based on cavitation or what we know as water hammer, only griggs found it more pronounced at ultrasonic frequencies near 24,000 Hz I believe, google ultrasonic frequencies to get the right number. If you take the number of holes on the circumference of the rotor in one line times RPM divided by 60 you get the number of compressions per second/per hole.Then times this by the number of bumps on the casing for total compressions per second, this is compression cycles/sec equivalent to frequency cycles per second, so 24,000 compressions/second is huge!
This is why I though the yusmar was much easier to build, It can be done your way though I think, and your a much better man than me if you can do it, best regards and please keep us updated.”

“The effect is based on the relative speed of the rotor surface vs the stator (case) surface, the more holes the higher the frequency of cavitations per one revolution.
Going back to raptor's search for seals, with lower input shaft rpm you can get away with a regular automotive pump seal, assuming it can handle the pressures of 75 psi as raptor was specifying earlier.
Temperature wise, it's close.. Not sure if the car water pump can handle 350 F.
The radiator pressure relief caps are rated about 7psi you can get them as high as 18-20 psi for higher operating temperatures.
So a pump seal doesn?t see more than 20 psi on high end applications with normal operation of less than that. Also, the rotational speed of a car pump is nowhere near 15000 rpm.
In designing any system we need to account for the worst case scenarios based on the specifications and add some factros of safety to assure longevity
However; it is a great suggestion for proof of concept assuming it doesn't blow out too fast.”

“Yes!. Nice. The more ridges on the case, and the more holes on the drum (per circumference) the higher the frequency. It basically creates a high pressure/vacuum impulse oscillation as each cavity passes by the ridge.
Mentioning of Sonoluminescence. Some interesting refs on frequencies.,1095.0.html”

“Hi all:
I found this kinda interesting also. Check out link below. Take note that there's no ridges inside this clear cylinder.
   NASA engineers solved a design problem with Hydro Dynamics' rotor for use in the Hydrosonic Pump.TM The holes in the rotor produce microscopic bubbles, preventing the buildup of impurities (scale).”

“To start with, that heater won't heat s%&t without an electric motor hooked to a pump to force the water through a restricked area,So as you can see it's not without electricity.”

“It also looks like having grooves in the inside of the outer housing would add to the heating effect. I have a shaper attachement on the mill at work so I could do a spline effect on the inside of the outer housing but it would thin the outer wall a fair amount. Would grooves 1.5 times the rotor hole size work ? I suppose another option would be a tube inside a tube (tight fit) and just machine grooves all the way thru the inner tube before sliding it inside the outer tube and welding it. Should produce the same effect and still maintain a good wall thickness. It would just make the inside rotor a bit smaller. What do you guys think ?”

“Sure TomG

Lotsa info on the link below.

I also wrote up a brief discription of how I built it under the thread Frenette-Heater  (Page 2 This site)

No where did I find the specks for the size or depth of holes to drill in the rotor so I just went with 1/2 inch dia. and approx. 3/4 inch deep, spaced 18 degrees apart and 15 degrees angled off center of shaft.
If possable build a furnace and burner as I did and turn a lawnmower into a rotor and end caps.  You won't have time to mow the grass anyway once ya get started on this project. 

As for the 5" diameter x 5" thick alumininum billet, and a 5" diameter cast iron pipe that sounds a little small for what you want to do with it. Another thing to think about is that the Griggs heater is not really a pump for circulating fluids and if you could incorperate a pump inside the unit then you would have a great machine. You'll notice that I machined slots (5 degree angle) across the face of my rotor thinking that it would work as a pump.(Doesn't work that well.) I'm in the process of mounting the motor, heater and Nissan power steering pump (for circulation) inside a gutted out 10,000 BTU air conditioner and using only the condenser for heat supply (Hope it works)
You're lucky to have a machine shop at you're disposal and I wish you all the luck in building a Griggs heater. Keep us informed how you're doin.


 PS  Here's a pic. of my hot water tank furnace, and burner (6"x9" melting pot = 20lbs.alunimun”

“ It is a start. Guess I will do a little more research. Got a couple of ideas but not a whole lot of materials. I might be able to stack a bunch of one inch alumininum plates and make it larger diameter like 12 inches. It would be easier to machine as each segment would be 1 inch thick x 12 inches diameter so I could do 6 seperate segments instead of trying to find (and afford) a solid one piece of material. The trick maybe finding a 12 inch steel pipe to put it all in. As soon as I get going I will post pictures and results.”

“On previous posts it was commented that the "hydrosonic pump" doesn't actually pump. Will the fluid in the unit move on its own or do you need a separate pump  to move things along? I was thinking of building one along the lines of the "KAMPEN72" design from Holland. Does anyone know this design? It seams that all the info I find is on the Griggs type with a divorce type pump and motor.”

“I think the griggs hydrosonic pump could be improved by coupling it with the N machine process:

thread about N machine:

Make a griggs hydrosonic pump, but instead of having a solid spinning cylinder make the cylinder out of thickish copper disks sandwiched between thickish axially polarised neo disks. Maybe 3 coppers with 2 neos in middle. Now machine the outer edge of the coppers for the cavitation holes just like a regular griggs. Could also optionally machine outer edges of neos using high speed oil lubricated grinding tools.

Insulate the end faces of the sandwich using epoxy based marine paint, make sure the copper faces are nicely roughed up using fine grit emery before painting.

Make sure the shaft is well electrically connected to the outer casing, may need hefty brushes for this, Brush cooling will be enhanced by the fact that they are immersed.

Now fill the pump using water with a good amount of electrolyte in it and spin her up.

This should produce good heat from the cavitation alone but also lots more heat as a very high current will also flow between the cylinder and the drum wall, the stronger the electrolyte the higher the current. What's more the friction of the power take off using water and electrolyte will be just the usual friction encountered in a griggs machine, the extra heat produced electrically will be for free as the Nmachine process does not produce lenz back torque like in an ordinary electrical generator.

All conducting surfaces in contact with the electrolyte  may need to be coated or sputtered with graphite or some other inert conductor to prevent ion migration for a long life.

Maybe a house could be heated very cheaply by filling its radiator system with electrolyte and then running a good sized one of these using a rotoverted motor.


“I have also been wanting to build a simple pump which I am pretty sure will run by itself when put up to sufficient speed. It uses the static centrifugal pressure made by the rotation to increase its angular speed.”

“You can download for free New Energy Technologies magazine here:

the last numbers 2003, 2004, 2005 contains lot of information about heat cavitation devices

in order to have cavitation the tangential speed must be over 60 m/sec, cavitation depends also from pressure in the pump.

some test:”


I basically agree with you but I have a problem with machining the rotor of a Griggs pump from a monolithic block of metal. These days that is a fairly difficult and expensive way to go if you want to manufacture a mechanically balanced rotor. The main thing is that the exact details of the multiple hole sets are likely to be proprietary and finding the best configuration is likely to be heuristic meaning that there is no analytic way to optimize a design.

There may be a way of molding and machining a ceramic rotor that could be better in the cost department. One additional problem might be the problem of material wear over the longer term.

On here are external specifications for something called  DRJ-200 that was a Griggs heat pump already optimized by a person named Dr. Nowak. He had personal problems that left his goal set divided but I do think that the device he described was real but was expensive because it was not yet mass produced. This is good for finding the efficiency specsifications of an optimized machine.

A better and a more manufacturable alternative for enthusiasts alternative might be the friction heaters described on here in it's own thread.”

Other Links Same as above.

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