Humanity's Low Regard for Life

(Am I supposed to express indignance?

Is nature good enough?

Am I drowning in indignance or “should” I feel this way?

I can tell it is degrading for me to speak of lower emotions. But maybe I “have” to.

What makes me indignant? Presumptuousness. Posturing. Materialism. Short-sightedness. Putting money first. The ways of the economic man.

Sigh. Do I really want to talk about this.)

The system is dependent on people being materialistic, selfish, fearful, short-sighted, ignorant, and dumb. It needs people to spite life: at present most financial profit which occurs requires the degradation of life. Consequently, almost all marketing targets the lower nature of man. People take this for granted, just as they take the expression of their lower nature for granted.

A low regard for life is the way of humanity now. People have a low regard for their own life, for others around the world, for the natural environment, for animals, and for future people. Because people are so vested in appearances they will protest and say that it is not they who have the low regard for life. They will say this just before going back to the casino, the bar, the fast food restaurant, or whatever other cesspool they tend to gather around. Besides-- a low regard for life is just the way of humanity right now, as I said. Buying things that are disposable and then throwing much away. Focusing life's energy on making money instead of developing the skills people would need if money was not prominent. And, for God's sake, who decided that depositing bodily waste into water could possibly ever be a good idea? Fort Lauderdale, Florida is swimming in sewage right now.

People have a lowly regard for life and they thus become sub-human. People were okay with buying into an overcomplicated civilization which reduces the sovereignty individuals have over their life, because from an economic standpoint it looked like the overcomplicated civilization would make life better. In this “Borg Collective” run by “Big Brother” the tendency is for people to be over-civilized (e.g. valuing human creations over nature), destructive (both deliberately and inadvertantly), and obsessed with green pieces of paper. People have not become smarter or stronger from this way of life but they have possibly acquired more material things (though those things are produced more cheaply than they used to be).

People also appear to have become more clever but in fact that is true only from an extremely limited, materialistic, and short-sighted standpoint. When people speak in the economic way, they think they are being so smart with their focus on money, e.g. “The boss can't get rid of me because I make him so much money!” Instead of thinking about the people they associate with as living beings they think about their financial relationship to them. In a way they are right since money has such power over people but they also are just contributing to the problem.

Some might hope that the Coronavirus outbreak “upending world markets” finally shows people how dysfunctional this system is; but, that would be a naïve hope. People will mourn the reduced output of factories and the altered movement of money. Since they are subhuman they will value things which are beneath the human, such as money.

The subhuman will also whine at all this. He will say that he needs this or that and also that he does that or this “for fun,” for “relaxation.” People refer to going to bars, casinos, and even stores as “going out,” when they are really just leaving home to go to another indoor environment. The reality is that people would not be so needy if they had regarded their life in relationship to other lifeforms instead of regarding themselves as economic beings. It is rather interesting that people have thought of themselves as above other lifeforms due to their sophisticated, money-cenetered activties, when in fact these activities have done the opposite and made them subhuman.

What is essential here is the way people see themselves and also the will to live. I have established that the way of humanity now is to regard itself as an economic entity. Everything is seen as a transaction and consequently people try to be clever to get the upper hand in such transactions. Cleverness basically consists of putting up an appearance which leads the lower nature of mankind to believe and to buy into something. For an example, think of a woman trying to look “cute” to get something from men such as money, attention/adulation, or some kind of assistance/servitude. Another example of cleverness would be a man trying to convince a woman that she needs him, so that he can get physical or psychological submission from her (i.e. sex, adulation, or servitude). In both examples the clever, manipulative party puts up an appearance in order to secure a transaction of what they believe they want from others. People see each other as non-living entities to profit from rather than living beings with which they can synergistically exchange energy. The more this goes on the more inescapable it becomes as trust amongst humans consequently dimishes.

A lowly regard for life goes hand-in-hand with a low will to live. The will to live is not lacking enough for human life to destroy itself outright but it is not terribly high above that. People basically just go to work (where they are directed in how to profit from others) and distract themselves with all kinds of drugs, cheap entertainment, sensory stimulation, and petty, misleading conversations which express the lowly regard for life. For a person seeking to realize their highest potential, these activities are all self-destructive. Self-destructive activities are normal because they sustain the current status quo of life, which has little to do with the highest potential of anything but appearance, the ability to destroy things (especially other humans), and profit.

The lack of will to live is impressed upon children by raising them on television and petty toys, games, and other man-made “amusements.” I was raised on TV and video games because my parents didn't know what else to do with me except play “sportsball” (before taking up running at age 12 I played softball and basketball). Because of the economic, subhuman way we live it is common to put people, especially the young and old, into “holding centers” because it's not like they really need to know how to survive and we don't know what else to do with them since their deficient brains and bodies don't enable them to express a sufficiently independent will. Holding centers are places for humans deemed incapable of producing economic value, at least on a “full-time” basis. These “holding centers” include 10-20 years of schooling and various “homes” such as retirement homes.

The War for Life

What is the alternative to the economic conception of life? For now I will provide an overview. I think of myself as an organism. I think about what my abilities and my place are relative to the Earth, the universe, and all of creation. I believe that the originally-intended role of humans is to care for things. This is based on our external physiology as well as our internal qualities such as attention, foresight/planning, capacity for detail, and value of connection.

I do not care for mere appearances and I refuse to be fooled by them. I want internal and external congruence, all aspects and details accounted for, and perfection in completeness. Merely apparent perfection is not perfection at all: it is just a lie.

Because the economic mindset is so normal the strong-willed individual must constantly fight it, even within his own self. There is a lot that the strong-willed individual can resist, but how far can he go? How far he can go depends indirectly on where he lives, how complicated is the society where he lives, and what laws he is subject to. It depends directly on every single decision he makes, including all of his purchases as well as the decision of whether to purchase at all.

How far can the majority go in resisting the economic worldview? Not very. History shows that the masses of people generally do not express much of a will except for the status quo. A lion must lead the sheep if he wants the sheep to change. Even then, I wonder what truly is in the soul of the sheep. As time goes on I am more and more inclined to think there is almost nothing in such souls, aside from the economic mindset and lowly regard for life.

The difference between the Kim Wrate of before and after 2017 is that I now regard different kinds of people as being fundamentally different from each other and, moreover, basically unable to change this. This is one of the reasons for the apparent darkness that hangs over me now, and I will take it over the darkness of ignorance and naivete. I likewise used to think that humanity was progressing: now I believe that it has been steadily dying since its existence began, and we are nearing the end.

I know people will try to find all kinds of ways to demonstrate that they are “good,” whether in verbal insistence or in action, but I also know that what gets extremely overlooked is how bad things really are. The only people who have a positive outlook for the future are either more or less content with the status quo or they believe there will be some kind of major upheaval in life as we know it and the way humans live and are will change.

If I have ever had tensions or outright conflict with you, I can assure you that I have tensions and conflict with countless other people for virtually the same reasons. These reasons come down to a lowly, materialistic, economic conception of life and my attempt to overcome that both within myself and in the world around me. It is rather dark and ugly to have conflict with another individual or limited group. The clearer it becomes that what I clash with in the individuals around me is essentially the same thing that lies in most people (and really everyone to some extent), the more enlightened the situation becomes. This means what is at hand is not a personal conflict but a spiritual war, whereby two different conceptions of life fight for dominance. In the fight between the economic conception and the life-centered conception, it is possible that neither will ever get totally eradicated. However, I am not yet certain of this.