World of Abundance-- Part Two

A vision of the future, continued from World of Abundance.

Honesty and Openness

In the world of abundance, everyone is honest. Ridiculously so. Conversation runs deep—well past surface thoughts. If you’re going to talk, you had better think, too. But that’s okay, because thinking is fun—and highly gratifying.

People ask, “How can I be more conscious today?” We openly ask this question to each other. If I think someone is a great person I will tell them. If two people are attracted to each other, rather than play games, they go right ahead and explore that attraction.

The essence of abundance is warm, white, smooth- like a cross between a cloud and a hot tub.



People are physically healthy and fit. Most physical labor has been automated. We have developed technology which enables people to accomplish amazing physical feats, and for the disabled to function normally. However, you can opt in and out of this body-armor-like technology as you please.

In fact, athletes deliberately eschew such technology much of the time, opting instead to do what they do in a biologically natural state. Athletes are highly respected in this society, because the challenges they take on require conscious growth. We respect them for the way in which they go to the edge, and then go beyond it. We value them for the advances in consciousness they make (limits- “the edge”- are only mental, after all).

We make sure to provide them with what they need- nourishment, equipment, supplies- so that they are able to take on wild feats of human endurance, strength, speed, and skill. We provide them with these things so that they also have more time to share what they learn with us (rather than use that time to acquire their needs).

In this world, major adventure-like challenges (whether competitions or not) are popular, whereby people must gather in teams to take on a variety of different athletic skills, such as rowing, swimming, climbing, running, hiking, jumping, and more (perhaps this is my endurance-athlete bias). These tend to occur across long stretches of land (and sea).



Most of the world eats vegetables (plant-based foods). Everyone eats as much as they need to be and to feel their best. There tends to be little desire to eat more than is necessary for this, because the food is so nourishing.  Again, most physical labor is automated, but humanity works harmoniously together to grow its food. Sufficient nourishment is easily accessible by everyone.



When people converse, they seek out new truths together. They push the boundaries of each other’s mental knowledge, understanding, and comforts. People love to leave one another with something new to think about—a way of the world worth contemplating and seeing. It is not uncommon for strangers to have deep, open, honest conversations with one another shortly upon meeting.


The Security of Intelligence

People are rarely worried about being attacked or harmed in any way by others. This means it is safe for us to explore a variety of things, such as having meals and staying at one another’s houses, spending our nights where we wish (whether that be awake or asleep), and going on foot wherever and saying whatever we please. Of course, “whatever we please” is often backed by positive intent.

In the world of abundance, people do not worry about external resources running out. It is not that they are naïve—rather, they are intelligent enough that they feel secure enough in themselves to either endure a famine of some sort and/or to repair it fairly quickly. External resources are wonderful, but we know they are not the end-all be-all to life.

What people are primarily concerned about in this world is what happens at the level of consciousness. They do what they believe- really, what they know- will lead them to become more intelligent. Respecting higher intelligence is an honor for them, and they need not push themselves to do so because they know this pursuit is disgustingly rewarding and beautiful.



It’s rare that two people would prefer not to talk to each other, but if two people meet and see that they would prefer to be somewhere else, doing something else, they are honest with one another about it, and no feelings are hurt. There are so many other people on the planet, this one rejection is nothing to be fretted over. In fact, it allows them to go have more enjoyable experiences—and why would they not want that for each other?

Rejection is something of a paradox in the world of abundance. You would think there would be no need for rejection in a place where everyone and everything is awesome. But that is precisely why it is needed—by saying “no” to all the things you don’t feel 100% on board with, you get to enjoy that which you can easily say “Hell yes!” to. You can’t give your time and attention to everything, nor can you express love for everyone in precisely the same ways. Additionally, different people will have different things to teach you at different times—and in different ways. So the use of conscious rejection remains highly important. Rejection need not be feared—it is but another step on the path to our desires.



What of sleep? People generally don’t spend too much time in sleep, because being awake is so fun! Yet, sleep is valued for its dreaming component. Dreams are but another window into consciousness, whereby people might learn something that they would not have otherwise during waking life. People also like to take advantage of lucid dreams to explore new possibilities and different desires.



With whatever problems that may arise, people are very much open to helping one another. No one has to hide in shame about bad habits or mistakes. Instead, by being open and honest, and by being supported by the love of all the people around you, you can overcome setbacks fairly quickly. But in truth, regardless of how long it takes, it’s okay, because this is but another learning experience.



Speaking of time, in the world of abundance, people do not pay too much mind to time. They know that their physical lives won’t go on forever. But in their pursuit of conscious growth they seek to be timeless, for consciousness, it is generally believed, is timeless. Because they identify with consciousness itself, there is no need to be so overwhelmed by the concept of time.

This may seem counter-intuitive, but when you let go of concern for the boundaries of time you are able to immerse yourself more fully in a task, and, consequently, you become more efficient. It is also more enjoyable to live this way. When you live by a clock, you are more likely to worry about when it is time to go eat, to go to sleep, to go exercise, to work, to do this and that, and so on. It is easy to get caught up in the next task you have to attend to, and when that happens it is hard to focus on what you are doing right now—thus, you become less efficient and less effective. But when you let go of that clock-bound schedule, you allow yourself to do whatever it is that must be done at the time being. It takes society as a whole, well, some time, to adapt to this new “schedule,” but all in all it works quite well.


Evolved, Honorable Beings

In the world of abundance, people are encouraged to evolve humanity and to evolve intelligence in whatever ways they deem worthwhile and desirable. Once again, many of life’s mundane tasks are automated, and that combined with the shift in global values means that many of the low-paying, “entry-level,” and downright unenjoyable jobs of today are obsolete.

Do not be fooled into thinking that technology and the new values have made this a weaker breed of human beings—in fact, these are among the strongest who have ever lived. If all their technology were to break down, and all hell were to break loose (e.g. violence), people would know what to do. They have prepared for these things. They don’t fear this happening, because each person knows he has sufficient skill and intelligence to handle whatever may come his way. The more primitive and largely obsolete skills of the past continue to be passed on, and they are even improved upon along the way, since people have the luxury to learn and use them consciously, rather than in a rush for survival. This is, indeed, an honorable breed of humankind.


Principle-Centered Relationships

What is interesting about this society is that people are loyal to principles and to consciousness itself (since this is what they identify with) above other individuals. Yet, the majority of human interactions are overwhelmingly friendly, positive, warm, and loving. This is because connecting with others tends to promote conscious growth, since we can learn from and support one another.

It is hard to label particular relationships because they change fairly rapidly, based on the interests of each party at any given time (when you are growth-oriented, such interests tend to change quickly, based on what it is time for you to learn). When it is time for the structure of a relationship to change, individuals are forthright about it, and there tends to be no hurt feelings (at least, not for long) on either side. People care deeply for one another, yet this does not mean they must act in the same ways toward one another day after day. If you care about someone, you will let them go when you desire to—and let them grow, as a result.



What of education? Generally, people simply seek out teachers of whatever it is they wish to learn. People gather to teach one another what they know, and to think about things more deeply and in new ways. If there still is a monetary system in this society (haven’t covered that base yet!), it really is just as easy to seek out a high-quality free education as it is a mostly-paid one. It really doesn’t matter whether people gather in a massive lecture hall or on a street corner.

Because people converse so much with one another in this world, and they are so trusting of and honest with one another, there is little worry about “bad” or “false” knowledge being spread around. Additionally, people know better whether they can be called an “expert” on a subject or skill—someone who has merely discussed brain surgery will not attempt to perform it. What would he want to do that for, anyway? What would he get out of it? Perhaps he would like to learn how to do it, but he would do so only under the guidance of someone with the proper skill.

Perhaps there are concerns about people with the best connections getting the best education, as well as those with the most money. But people are so generous in this society, you’d be hard pressed not to be well-educated, because so many people love so much to share what they know. Because of the Internet, so much information is so freely available (this is true now—duh!!!). Of course, it still is most enjoyable to learn from another person who is physically present with you, as well as most immersive. Through conversation, you are more likely to learn pieces of information you would not have otherwise thought to search for on the Internet.



Just as relationships are tough to label in this world, so too are occupations. Everyone is regarded as a student and a teacher in some form. Countless people produce information (as they do now!), which others are meant to learn from. Much of this information can also be called “art,” as well as “knowledge.” There is high respect for those who are involved in the maintenance and advancement of technology. Though most people are highly skilled in one to a handful of areas, their interests and knowledge are quite varied as well. Because education is so easy to obtain in this world, the majority of people are rather well-rounded in their knowledge and skills.

If you would like to throw out a handful of labels (some will overlap), we can use terms such as teacher, student, creator, innovator, inventor, athlete, machinist, programmer, designer, developer, artist, entrepreneur, builder, thinker, philosopher, explorer, traveler, farmer, chef, architect, engineer, carpenter, writer, author, speaker, performer, comedian, storyteller, coach, counselor, therapist, leader, doctor, manager, actor, musician, poet, journalist, filmmaker, director, producer, politician (well, maybe!), healer, visionary, seeker, scientist, and caretaker.


Embrace Desire

For there to be abundance, all aspects of life and all desires must go along for the ride. There is nothing that can be left behind as taboo or unworthy. Remember, again, that abundance springs from within, so it is desire that really drives the ship here. You must respect your health, your sexuality, your creative abilities, your abilities to serve, your relationships, and all of your desires and abilities in general.

Scarcity tends to ask of desires, “Why?” Abundance tends to ask, “Why not?” When immersed in scarcity-thinking, you have to try justifying all of your desires. Of course, since the way you see the world is set up to work against you (i.e. it’s a win-lose world), this is a battle you cannot win. You’re constantly saying to yourself, “This desire is unnecessary… Perhaps I should let it go.”

Please don’t do that. Desires are what lead you back to your true self. Wouldn’t you rather fill your journey with the fulfillment of your desires than with the fulfillment of such skewed beliefs (and perhaps someone else’s desires as well)? Why not go after your dreams? Why not live boldly? Why not create as you desire to? Why not see life in all of its beauty? Why you deny your desires, your life becomes only a shell of what it could be.

Abundance must spring from within because, simply stated, you must want it. You must have something worthy that you desire to do with all of the resources and energy available; otherwise, what is the point?


Have Fun!

All in all, there is a lot of fun to be had in this world, thanks to technology, to the honest and loving atmosphere of society, to the respect paid for nature, to the luxury of time[lessness], to the availability of knowledge and support, to the encouragement of personal growth and exploration, and to the abundance of resources, both internal and external. You could be lazy and do nothing all day, but why would you? There is so much to be enjoyed! You could take advantage of the others’ trustworthiness, but why would you do that when you could enjoy their company instead? Dominating other people is seen as rather silly in this world, as is idleness.

Perhaps children get curious about those kinds of things, but soon enough they explore them and grow bored with their futility. For it is much better to love such a vast world than it is to control and cower from it.

What is the undeniable mark of an intelligent being who has seen her way to abundance? It is this: always finding a reason to smile. :) Life is beautiful. Have fun!

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